Tuesday, December 27, 2011


A Mr. M. Ross inspired me to do a different kind of post today, I found his ramblings on on his blog which is quite insightful and I will link to it at the end in-case you're severely challenged and did't see the link or know it already cause it's good. Probably should have used a period back there... Oh well i'm too lazy to use the mousepad so I'll keep going. I did this post cause of the whole "blog what you're thinking about when you're inebriated thing",, not trying to one-up his store like scumbag steve I just know dat feel. I already lost probably like 7 good ideas, and I exaggerate by about 2.

I'm thinking about this now and it may be a day in the life kind of post...

Ok, so my sister has really been pushing sushi these last few days so I gave in and we tried Ye's Sushi at sportsworld crossing. I woke up at like 12 and we got there at about 1, Cause of these stupid late nights I wake up late and lunchtime for normal people is like my dinner and I was not feeling sushi breakfast ughhh... Well I did my best to get my moneys worth and scarf down a bunch of raw fish and deep fried shit and it was good I just would have enjoyed it a lot more if i wasn't craving normal breakfast like bacon and eggs. I would have killed for a piece of fucking fried bitchin ass bacon. Unfortunately my sister didn't realize she order 16 pieces of spicy dragon roll so I got my fill of that shit right there. No more, spicy dragon roll, ever. Pause for effect. Couldn't help to think how awesome it would be to bring up in casual introductory conversation "I'm a sushi chef", LAID. I feel like I could say more about the sushi place but moving on, I need to sleep. I'll try it again in a while when i'm actually in the mood for it.

Later my sister's new siamese kitten fell asleep on my head/shoulders today watching planet earth. Cute as fuck. Can't hate on this kitten i feel like, he's the shit.

Cars for today, I left my house to go for a spin in the snow, was only 0 so it was very sloppy. Oh well, Graeme and I headed out to futureshop to grab Forza 4, more on this later. Hit a bunch of neighborhoods, rim lots, roundabouts, decent but way too slow. Now I feel like i'm just describing my day with no subtle humorz or anything, crap ok back to something insightful before I lose you. Fuck... even I'd stop reading this article by now. More car shit i'm thinking right now is maybe slammed s14 wintermode wasn't such a good idea. Know what was a great fucking idea? Rain coating my window, otherwise known at Rain-X-ing. Dat shit cray. New favourite product under $10 that makes life easier. Boom, could have got your parents that for christmas. They would have thanked you and wondered how they could have raised such a astute young man/woman. I hope i'm using that word right.

I've been really into these internet meme's thing, the whole internet-wide-inside-joke thing really appeals to me for some reason. Kind of makes this world seem a lot smaller when people who aren't payed to write jokes write jokes for people which end up being funnier than the jokes that people write for pay. I find myself strikingly familiar with socially awkward penguin... I recently became a fan of insanity wolf, successful blackman never gets old, first world problems have mostly all happened to me. Scumbag Christian: Doesn't understand basic mathematical concepts; knows origin of universe... hahaha.

Anyone else playing Skyrim? Dat shit also cray. Way cray. If you're one of those people that use drugs/alcohol to escape reality and become less self-aware or just wanna do that anyway, play this game, the more you play, the better it gets and the more it consumes you into a different world. If you're gonna waste your time on a videogame that isn't Forza4 or zelda, this game will ,, i don't know how to finish this sentence but it is awesome to leave this planet sometimes.

I forgot where this was going with this but I didn't forget about this.
I really need a more stable pt job right now so I can afford all these cool things I want for my car, and so I can start treating my gf to shit again, I want to publicly thank her for putting up with my broke ass for this past year, I wasn't always this frugal. I used to buy a case of beer quite often, now it's such a special treat. I like it this way actually.
Things I would buy for s14 if I had a better income stream:
- deep dish wheel/hub
- URAS kit
- Better gas
- Make a track-fee only account
- Refinish wheels in bronze
- Better tires
- Hydro e-brake
- Bride lomax
- FMIC kit
- Bigger brakes
Not necessarily in order but that's a general plan for the spring/summer
Signing off i'm done. Off to dream about Drifting, women, and other wonderful things.

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